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"You give them basic training so that any church can build
a worship team with those who are already in the church."
a worship team with those who are already in the church."
Thom Rainer
"Eric Roberts has a great program. I know this is going to be
used by God and I think your church can benefit from it."
used by God and I think your church can benefit from it."
Jason "Bubba" Stewart
Kentucky Baptist Music & Worship Consultant
"It’s somewhat limitless what you can do with 3 or 4 chords. Realistically you can sound out most popular songs with those simple chords"
Noah Back
"One of the things that I learned from Eric was the simplicity of most worship songs and the ease at which they can be played. "
Fred Perkins
"The change came through the course with the simplification of the chords, and the repetition, and the 5 minutes a day… the course really set me off."
Dan Wilhelm
"Now I look at myself playing and leading worship, it’s just like an extension of my hands now to make music and worship God"
Wirt Garcia
Need one-on-one help?
Yes, we can help your church train musicians, build stronger teams, and even walk with you through introducing contemporary music styles in your church. Fill out this quick form to speak to me one-on-one about growing your worship leaders and worship/tech teams. Start here