We are here to help you become a better musician, grow your team, and create excellence in worship ministry.  

Learn an Instrument

Elevate your skills as a Christian musician with our step-by-step lesson programs and get the encouragement you need for success from a thriving online community.  

Worship Band Builder Team Training

We offer you a full suite of courses to assist in recruiting and training a strong worship ministry team. 

Propel Worship Leader Training+Certification

Join us for a guided journey to become a confident musician and worship leader and earn your worship leader certification from Church Answers. 

Propel Livestream Bootcamp

Does your church livestream mix need help?  We can help you optimize yoru setup, create a custom mix template, and train your mix team so you can have professional sounding livestreams every week. 


Get one-on-one help with your worship ministry and tech teams