WGBS Week 6 – Use Your Talents Copy (GOLD) Copy

This week is about playing a full song!  It’s important that you feel like you have accomplished something great!  It’s also a huge help when you share your success with me and with others around the world.


  1. Play the whole song How Great is Our God
  2. Make and share a video of you and your group playing the song.

Six good reasons to make your video:

  1. Performing is scary…. this will introduce you to that fear and allow you to overcome it fast!
  2. When you see and hear yourself play on a video, you will be able to critique yourself… just go easy!
  3. When you post the video to the my WTK group, you will get many thumbs ups, “likes”, and kind words of encouragement from me and other students.  This helps!
  4. When you post your video, I can watch and make some notes that will help you along the way.  If you are forming any bad habits, I’ll catch them early and you can make adjustments.
  5. You will be an inspiration to those who are trying to accomplish the same thing!
  6. It’s just fun to make videos of yourself and post them online.

If you are doing the class at home or with an online study group, I want you to grab your phone this week, make a video, and share itIf you aren’t ready for a solo performance, you can sing or play along with me on the final play along while making your video. 


Bible Study Session

Guitar Lesson Session

Daily 5-minute Practice Session


Go the the next lesson to learn how to make your video and do the group strum along!


Group Strum Along